MGD Foundation Course 2025

The aim of the Foundation course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to guide them through the ethical, legal and practical requirements of decision making under Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).


The Making Good Decisions Programme (MGD) Foundation Course covers 10 modules and is run over two days.

Module 1 - Natural Justice and Ethics

Module 2 - Principles of RMA Decision Making

Module 3 - Considerations Relating to Maori

Module 4 - The Planning Framework and Hearings

Module 5 - Consent Hearings

Module 6 - Roles of Participants in Hearings

Module 7 - Procedures for Hearings under the RMA

Module 8 - Managing Hearings

Module 9 - Considering, Testing and Weighing Evidence

Module 10 - Deliberation and Preparing Decisions

Introduction to the RMA Online Course:

We are now offering an Introduction to the RMA online course. This online course is designed for those who have no or little knowledge of the Resource Management Act (RMA). The course is also suited to those who are looking to do the Making Good Decisions Foundation course and are looking for a bridging course. 

The course covers:

  • Purpose and Principles of the RMA
  • Environmental effects – what do we mean by avoid, remedy and mitigate
  • Types of resource consents and activity classes
  • Policy hierarchy – national direction, regional and district plans
  • Consent application process including notification and hearing processes

The course is run with small numbers to enable discussion and interaction. We run this online course via Microsoft Teams.

Here is the link for further details:

Assessment information

Please note there is an e-learning module and pre assessment that needs to be completed prior to attending the course which counts for 20% of the final result.  There is also a post assessment on completion of the course which counts for 80% of the final result.